Saturday, August 31, 2019

Government Intervention Essay

The purpose of this report is to exemplify the role of government with the focus on the developing countries by answering the proposed question of Why do we need government intervention? and Why government intervention is necessary for the new economy? The first part of this report illustrates the essential roles of government in social, business, and the future of country aspects. Then, Thailand was chosen as an example of a country entering into the new economy, while using the other countries in East Asia to illustrate the successful government action in transferring the countries to new economy. 1. To provide social welfare for the whole country Education Environment Health care Basic infrastructure Ideally, the government should bear the cost of high-risk or long-term payback project, or even the project that is difficult to finance as a trade-off for the national interest and benefit of its people and, in a way, attracting private sector to invest in the underdeveloped region later on. 2. To set up fair-games, fair competition, rules, laws and regulations, and trade agreements for business sector 3. To determine the future direction of the country Provide information and guidelines for firms to follow Develop strategy for the nation’s economic growth 1. Social contexts: 1.1. Environmental protection Waste management: company cannot hold the idea of â€Å"more production, more pollution† any longer as it creates externalities (social cost), which in turns will impose a negative impact on the company’s reputation. Government must enforce regulations, inspections, and control on environmental aspect. This is for the social interest so that the firms cannot take advantage from the society. Furthermore, by having regulations, not only the society will benefit from it; it also raises an issue of long-term sustainable development for the business sector to consider upon. Cons of free-enterprise Only aimed at generating profit and production, while disregarding the environment as it is considered an â€Å"unnecessary’ cost for the company. This in turn, the environment would be destroyed (e.g. Waste  from production, a vicious cycle, will hurt everyone if there are no regulations enforced.) Environmentalist vs. Government: for developing countries, the environmentalist plays a minor role in protecting the environment comparing to government intervention. Although the voices of environmentalist are significant when it comes to making changes, the government regulations are better suited in preventing and solving the problem on the national level. This is because the environmental problems have to be solved simultaneously, since the effects from decaying environment can create chain-reactions affecting the whole country or even the world (e.g. air pollution or destruction of rain forest). The environmentalist is important, as it is able to create awareness for the society, at the same time the government intervention is necessary in order to support healthier environment for its people. 1.2. Education Quality of the human resource is the driven force to push economic growth. Without basic education, it limits the opportunity for the entire nation to grow and foster new innovated ideas, while limiting the improvement in quality of life among population. 1.3. Health care The basic need for life. There shouldn’t be perceived as privilege for someone to obtain. Recent development on Thailand’s health care: Ministry of Public Health’s campaign on the â€Å"30 Baht-Health for All† demonstrating that equal access to health care is important for the growth of recovering economy. 1.4. Infrastructure For a nation to propel into the future, decentralization of development to regional and local levels rather than concentrated on specific metropolitan areas is significant, as it needs involvement from everyone. 2. Business contexts: 2.1. Laws and Regulations (Thailand) Trade Competition Act (1999): This is to eliminate unfair trade practices, monopolization, and business collusion. If there were no regulation, monopoly can drive up prices or limits supplies while the consumers would have to bear the costs  as well as limiting the sense of entrepreneurship. Bankruptcy Act (1999): From the result of the Asian crisis, the past bankruptcy law in Thailand was not efficient enough causing the failure in the loaning agreement, lowering the foreign investor’s confidence. By amending the old 1940 Bankruptcy Act in 1998 and 1999, the new amendment provides a foundation for both creditor and debtor to work cooperatively and be more transparent in order to create a win-win situation, especially for the recovering companies as well as preventing future non-performing loans (NPL) for the creditors. SMEs Promotion Act (2000): Thai government encourages support for this new legislation by creating a Market for Alternative Investment (MAI) designed to introduce fresh investment opportunities. The Minister for Finance emphasizes the significant role that MAI would play in supporting and strengthening SMEs in Thailand. 2.2. Trade agreement The role of trade agreement is to encourage, assist, and advocate the export sector and to ensure that domestic business would have equal access to compete in foreign markets. In addition, the trade agreement can enforce antidumping and countervailing duty laws providing remedies for unfair trade practices. Moreover, the trade agreement can promote cooperation among member countries in order to avoid fierce competition (e.g. Asian Summit Conference, G7 Conference) World Trade Organization (WTO): Before a country decides to join the WTO, its government must prepare the readiness of the country whether it is law and regulation aspects or its infrastructure. This is to protect the domestic market and businesses from being exploited by foreign firms. Thailand vs. China on WTO issue: Thailand officially entered into the WTO in 1995 when its laws and regulations on globalization issues were not fully developed. As a result, Thailand inevitably had to endure the consequence of globalization. Compared to China, who does not fashionably join the WTO as the other neighboring countries did, China waited and now is able to  negotiate other privileges on bilateral agreement with foreign investors. 3. Future direction determination: 3.1. To provide information and guidelines for firms to follow. To be competitive in international level, the government must provide information for the public in order to assist the business sector to establish suitable strategic and decision plans for their businesses accordingly. DEP (Department of Export Promotion) † to assist in matching local manufacturers with overseas buyers or vice-versa by providing quick and cost-effective access to local products through substantial information and oversea organizational facilities. BOI (Board of Investment) † to assist investors by providing support services in order to reduce risk and cost that associate with investments. 3.2. Develop strategy for future economic growth: SMEs (Small-Medium Enterprises): encouraging entrepreneurship through promoting business start-up spreading and stimulating more nationwide microeconomic growth. o Stimulation on more sense of ownership among the population enabling the spread in development. Because in the past, with lesser government intervention, growth and income were concentrated mainly in heavy industry or big business rather than being distributed more evenly among the people. o Satisfaction of local need through the intellectual local-knowledge based transferring into productivity in community level. Microlending † being implemented in the Philippines and Thailand to help poor people gain access to credit so that they can finance or start up their own businesses. As a result, there would be a decrease in poverty as well as an increase entrepreneurship / small businesses. IT: NECTEC (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center) is Thailand’s main driven force for IT development. NECTEC established new strategic master plan on Electronic, Computer, Telecommunication and Information (ECTI) Technologies for year 2000-2004.   This is because as the world is dominated by global businesses and industries, information and communication technologies play a tremendous role in the issues for long-term recovery and sustainability † Thailand needs to transform itself from the old economy to the â€Å"New Economy† in order to remain competitive. IT will gradually replace the old traditional business transaction by offering real time information, reduction in transaction cost and time, opening the market to many more suppliers and buyers, and no need for physical presence; which consequently more productivity would be generated. 1. Infrastructure: Revamped of telecommunication monopoly by encouraging investments from private sectors. The Telephone Organization of Thailand (TOT) granted telephone-wiring licenses to TA and TT&T and granted wireless phones licenses to AIS and PCT, while the Communication Authority of Thailand (CAT) authorized DTAC to operate in mobile phone industry. The government granted private sectors to take on the telephone-wiring project because of the urgency of the IT infrastructure expansion (from 800,000 users in 1999 to more than 1,000,000 users in 2000) in a sense that the private sectors are able to install the lines faster than the government sector in certain areas. Installation of fiber optic infrastructure throughout Bangkok and Thailand. Increase the telephone availability from 13 lines per 100 populations to 18 lines per 100 populations. Nation wide local call ISP access Possibility of free internet in the future Lowering cost of PC More mobile phone usage with cheaper rate 2. IT Education: Increase the number of schools connected to free internet from  1,500 schools to targeted 5,000 schools. Better focus on the optimization of the computer usage in schools, not just computer availability. Teacher’s IT training, NECTEC provided pilot courses and teaching materials for Rajabhat Institute, which in turn will teach and prepare the future schoolteachers for the SchoolNet project. 3. Laws and Regulations Electronic Transactions Bills and the Electronic Signature Bills were approved by the cabinet on March 14, 2000. Electronic Transactions Act defines the legal status of electronic records as being equal to paper documents, if they are properly handled. The Act also defines the scope of legal recognition of transmission and reception processes for electric data records, time and place of occurrences of such transmission. Electronic Signature Act defines the electronic equivalence of signature as a proof to identity of the signing party (i.e. authentication) and that the signer approves the content that is being signed. The law is neutral to the choice of technology used for electronic signature. It recognizes the well-established trusted third-party system of Certification Authority (CA) and public-key infrastructure (PKI) based on encryption technology. Intellectual Property Laws: Thai government recognizes that an effective intellectual and industrial property system is vital to the development of new economy especially on the innovations and technology transfer aspects. Thus, to encourage such originalities, the government has established laws and regulations to protect and secure the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists and other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and creations, particularly when beneficial to people and its nation. When the IP laws are being violated, the offender will be inflicted with fine or imprisonment or both. Currently, there are three major IP laws in Thailand: Trademark Act (2nd revision in 2000) Patent Act (3rd revision in 1999)  Copyright Act (amended in 1994) Other drafts in the pipeline are the Computer Crime Act, the Electronic Funds Transfer Act, and the Data Protection Act. 4. Electronic Commerce The Electronic Commerce Resource Center was set up by the cabinet resolution in December 1998 as a unit within NECTEC where drafting of the Electronic Commerce Policy Framework is being planned. E-commerce infrastructure project has been carried out by NECTEC’s sister organization † Internet Thailand Company, which started a neutral yet highly diverse portal site called THAI-DOT-COM ( with free commerce hosting provision to all business partners (merchants, banks, and application service providers). 5. Software Park Software Park is the first and unique infrastructure Thailand ever built for this new software industry. Local software developers in Thailand can enjoy professional support for international marketing. It also provides a one-stop meeting point for potential customers both locally and from abroad as well as providing high-speed networking. In addition, world-leading companies like Intel, Informix, IBM, etc. have invested in R&D infrastructure for local software companies to use at very low cost. 6. BOI incentive on IT related industry Electronic Industry: This is to promote specific industry in order to respond to the development in the New Economy. Thai government offered tax-based incentives to stimulate such investment, such as Corporate income tax exemption for 8 years, regardless of location. Exemption on import duty on machinery relevant to production process. Additional privileges according to zone†further tax and duty reduction as well as allowances for infrastructure investment. Singapore o Well-connected IT infrastructure facilities such as the science-park (ranging from biotechnology to robot researches) and information superhighway which enable Singapore to become IT hub for exportable services, for instance†consulting or engineering advises, in East Asia. o Focusing on R&D, the fastest growing activities in Singapore, since Singapore has competitive advantages on superior infrastructure and manpower capabilities to explore this possibility. o Implementation of â€Å"E-Government Services† † people saved time through complete government-related transactions (e.g. tax, registration and licensing fees). As a result, this action has saved cost for government on transaction filings, while saving cost and time for the business sector. Malaysia o Due to the aspiration of becoming a fully developed country by 2020, the Malaysian government has developed a path that has been strategically mapped out to ensure that the objectives of 2020 visions are achievable. o With the focus on welcoming the information technology age phenomenon, the government has created the â€Å"Multimedia Super Corridor’ (MSC) in which is a world-first, world class place to help companies of the world test the limits of technology and prepare themselves for the future. o Creation of the perfect global multimedia climate. Cyberjaya: a conceptualized model intelligent city with multimedia industries, R&D centers, a Multimedia University and operational headquarters for multinational firms wishing to direct their worldwide manufacturing and trading activities using multimedia technology. Putrajaya: a concept of electronic government and administration will be implemented. These two cities are the nucleus of Malaysia strategic vision for the new economy. No one knows whether it would turn out as successful as the Malaysian government has envisioned or not, but at least its government has took a tremendous step by investing into a project that certainly the whole country will realize the impact of new economy and information technology and, hopefully, benefit from it. Transforming Thailand to â€Å"New Economy† needs a very strong foundation and cooperation in every level starting from redesigning infrastructure, IT education, HR development, and IT laws and regulations. These four factors needed to be organized by the government, not only because the whole country needs to be involved in this transforming stage, but the government needs to also provide assurance for the business sector on security issues as well as providing a sense of borderless marketing condition for the company to excel in the global competition. In addition, the government involvement is very crucial; this is to prevent the concentration of IT development in certain sectors or business fields as if would have done by the private sector. And ensuring that the country would explore into the New Economy era together, and that there should be no discrimination in IT development in which, as a result, the country and everyone involved will mutually benefit from this New Economy endeavor.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Brother Keepers

The purpose of this program is to feed the homeless on Skid Row, many of which are mentally ill or substance abusers. The two evenings are Mondays and Wednesdays at St. Bede Church located at 215 Foothill Bled, in La Canada, 91011. A second location which meets on Tuesday is St. James Church at 4625 Duunsmore Ave. , La Crescenta, 91214 A third location which meets on Thursday evenings is Holy Redeemer Church at 2411 Montrose Ave, Montrose 91020. I arrived at 4 pm to assist the staff with preparing meals, homeless shelter, and distribute the food.I also stayed with the staff at all times while in Skid Row. Feeding the homeless is an exciting experience. At all locations, the experiences are not inherently different as similar participants were attended and their needs met. The beauty of the program is that it addressed the three basic needs of man: food, clothing and shelter. These needs are universal and when people are involved in meetings, recipients of such gesture are eternally g rateful. This is what happened during the program.While serving the people with food at the church, these people found a comfortable place to rest and to be fed. I found the experience to be an eye-opener to the challenges that people face in life; it opened my eyes to understand what it really means to homeless and steps to help people in such circumstance. The population served was basically homeless who lived on Skid Row without any comfortable shelter. Some of them used the opportunity to narrate how they resorted to the Row for shelter, how they lost their jobs, the meaning of life and later eventually became homeless.Others talk about the inhuman treatment they had in their hostile homes which drove them to abuse substance, and the series of events which culminated in their ejection from their homes. Because of their experiences have become mentally ill sequel to inability to adjust to the stressful life events they had passed through, they have begun to abuse drugs and substa nces such as alcohol, cigarette, cannabis, marijuana, amphetamines and other stimulants. They said the latter keeps them off their problems and gives them temporary relief from the horrible conditions where they reside.They were receptive of the gesture and received it with gladness, as they expressed their appreciation without hesitation. These people need our people; they are wonderful. There are ethical, psychological, spiritual, cultural, legal and economic principles related to the homeless population living in Los Angeles. It is noteworthy to state that giving money to the homeless will not help solve their inherent problem. It is better to adopt a holistic approach where the underlying psychological or psychiatric problem is duly addressed. This is where the spiritual houses like churches have become useful, as in this program.The feeding took place in churches. These houses still provide a place of comfort for the less disadvantaged and homeless in the society. A combination of spiritual help with government intervention can help alleviate the challenges of homelessness. Such government interventions will include provision of housing facilities at affordable prices. A social welfare provision is also encouraged but it must be meant for citizens who have no or limited means to help them. Substance abuse is a common psychiatric problem amongst the homeless. There is also increased risk of depression and suicides.Besides, sexual promiscuity is on the high side there as social disinhibition is out of place. Besides, community acquired pneumonia and tuberculosis are also prevalent among people living on the streets because they live in overcrowded places. Diarrheal diseases are also common. The staffs at Brothers Helpers demonstrate professionalism in dealing with the homeless: they exude confidence while they deal nicely with these needy people. They show understanding of the conditions of this set of people, and are really compassionate. I am glad I had s uch an experience: I realize that to make others happy is the key to fulfillment in life

Thursday, August 29, 2019

K-Pop Research Essay

K-Pop ê °â‚¬Ã¬Å¡â€ (an abbreviation of Korean pop or Korean popular music): is a musical genre consisting of dance, electronic, electropop, hip hop,[2] and R&B music originating in South Korea.[1] In addition to music, K-pop has grown into a popular subculture among teenagers and young adults around the world.[3] Although in a bigger scope K-pop may include other genres of â€Å"popular music† within South Korea, outside of the country the term is more commonly used for songs sung by Korean teen idols, which covers mostly dance, electronic, rap, hip-hop, and R&B genres.[4] Starting in 1992, dance and rap music became popular due to Seo Tai-ji & Boys, which is seen by many as the beginning of modern K-pop.[4] Genres such as ballad and rock are still popular today; however, the term can be debatable. With the rise of social media networks during the mid 2000s, the ability of K-pop to reach a previously inaccessible audience via the Internet is driving a shift in the exposure and popularity of the genre.[5] The Korean Wave has spread K-Pop to the Pacific Rim, the Americas, Eurasia, and North Africa. As an important part of the Korean Wave, K-pop has come from humble beginnings to gain a huge fan base not just in Asia but also other parts of the world. As South Korea continues to develop its IT infrastructure, K-Pop music is being shared over the internet and through mobile devices more rapidly than ever.[6] According to The New York Times, â€Å"attempts by K-pop stars to break into Western markets had largely failed prior to the proliferation of global social networks.† However, K-pop artists are now gaining more international exposure through social media networks such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, making it easier for K-pop artists to reach a wider audience.[7] Fans come from all around the world[8] and K-Pop is considered by some to be South Korea’s greatest export because of its popularity and growing influence.[9] Kpop bands as highly produced, sugary boy- and girl-bands with slick dance routines and catchy tunes.†[10] Many K-Pop music videos have colourful visuals and a catchy beat.[11] K-Pop multiple vocal genres, especially hip-hop and rap, emphasize performances and strong visuals.[12] Dance is an integral part of K-pop. When combining multiple singers, the singers often switch their positions while singing and dancing by making prompt movements in synchrony. K-Pop is also recognized for pretty-boys and girl groups[13] that are young and considered attractive. I couldn’t stop humming the beat; it had been cemented in my head. At first it was just a mere song that I would play to make fun of, but I couldn’t help it. Over and over again, I played it. There was something intriguing about, something different. It pulled me in and drew my brain. My ears craved the tune again. I did my best to resist the urges, afraid that I’d be swept into its trance and be associated with those who would listen to it. I eventually went back to listen to it, disgusted with myself for enjoying listening to the repetitive track. The chorus was ridiculous, the Engrish was unbearable, yet I was still called for by it. It was different than most of the type of music I had indulged in. K-Pop. I was herded into the world of delusional fandoms that couldn’t bear insults towards their oppas. The world where Engrish is a normal thing you would sing along with. Besides the occasional fan wars and drama (not the K-Dramas, but actual drama), I felt like I had a family within my own fandoms. It was simple; we were all interested in that particular group, and we all respected each for that. It gave us common grounds. But it’s even more than that, we all still shared the general idea: We all liked K-Pop. Most people who are used to western music made fun of this genre. This is probably the biggest thing that binds us together. Most of us non-Korean listeners have probably dealt with being made fun of for liking K-Pop, and this makes us even closer.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Domestic Violence on the Rise Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Domestic Violence on the Rise - Research Paper Example Although there are various means of dealing with violent crimes, one of the most effective means of deterring domestic violence is through strong punishment of offenders. Domestic violence, especially gender based violence is a concept that now has drawn much attention in the international humanitarian work. In the wake of the Yugoslavian rape camps, the sexualized genocide of Rwanda as well as the contemporary terrors on sexual violence, the international human rights community has increasingly turned its attention to combating gender based violence, both at home and during war (Burrill 280). Domestic violence against women is one of the critical public health problems that have both devastating physical and emotional effects to women, children and families m in the US. â€Å"Approximately four million American women experience a serious assault by an intimate partner during a 12-month period", Find counseling (2010, par 4). "It is estimated that 2 million to 4 million US women are assaulted by a domestic partner every year. Twelve million women (25% of the female population) will be abused in their lifetime. Up to 35% of women and 22% of men presenting to the emergency department have experienced domestic violence", (Find counseling, 2010, par 5). The rising cases of domestic violence affect children more than any other members of the society. â€Å"It has become apparent that in the cases where domestic violence was identified, the perpetrator of the domestic violence and the abuser of the children were likely to be the same individual, usually the child’s natural father†, (Humphreys and Nicky 101-102). Effects of the violence can be seen on the child’s performance decline in school as domestic violence interferes with homework time, sleep time as well as sleep quality and classroom concentration. Regardless of intelligence, domestic

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Energy savings Entrepreneurship in Singapore Essay

Energy savings Entrepreneurship in Singapore - Essay Example ing companies’ horizon has grown vast with the realisation that investment made on the energy saving technologies would be a profitable deal in the long run. ESCOs provide a complete package of services starting from the appraisal to the project financing, guaranteeing the success of the project besides providing equipment maintenance and servicing. Only accredited ESCOs can provide energy saving technology services; Energy Sustainability Unit (ESU), a division of the School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore, runs an accreditation programme to introduce quality and standard in the services of energy saving companies (E2 Singapore) 1. Before discussing the ESCOs in detail, let’s have a good view of energy sector in Singapore. Energy sector in Singapore involves electricity consumption, energy consumption, energy intensity, energy statistics, and energy efficiency policies. Electricity consumption as per 2005 stats given in the National Energy Policy Report includes power generation sector consuming 51% fuel to generate electricity for different sectors namely transport, buildings, household and others, as shown in the chart below. The Energy Market Authority governs the business of awarding licenses to private companies to generate electricity. The graph below depicts the electricity consumption and electricity consumption per capita from 1990 to 2007, as given by the Energy Market Authority and the Singapore Department of Statistics (Eugene, May 14, 2009). 4 The graph shows ever-increasing level of consumption, culminating to 2.6 times from 1990 to 2007 but consumption per capita went up at a slower pace of 1.8 times, showing no movement between 2005 to 2007 (Eugene, May 14, 2009). 4 In the matter of energy consumption and energy intensity, stats of the two organizations -- the Energy Information Administration (EIA) and the International Energy Agency (IEA) are different while comparing Singapore’s energy intensity with America

The Role of Geoprofiling in the Analysis of Crime Series Annotated Bibliography

The Role of Geoprofiling in the Analysis of Crime Series - Annotated Bibliography Example In this book Boba has tried to explain the use of crime mapping in crime analysis. It offers a great deal of information regarding the integration of geospatial techniques into criminal investigations. Further, this nook offers methods for using different crime mapping methods for analyzing criminal activities. Crime mapping case studies: Practice and Research is written by Chainey, S. The book offers various methodologies used for crime mapping. Further it offers an approach to bring crime mapping into practice, along with new directions in this field of study. This book elaborates the present trends in crime mapping research. The book offers numerous case studies that help the readers in understanding the basics of crime mapping and its use in the real life. Chainey and Ratcliff has combined the theoretical principles, analytical techniques from geographic information system, methods for processing data sets, measures for sharing information, problem solving, and lots of other related topics. This book offers case studies and real life examples to elaborate and explain the integration geographic information system and crime mapping. This book is useful for the students as well as for the professionals. It can be used as a reference guide for solving problems associated with crime mapping. The growth of science and technology has made information security a great concer. Organizations need to obtain fool proof information security systems in order to prevent it from being lost or being accessed by unauthorized user. Authentication and retrieval of information requires efficient system that ease out the access to the information sources for the authorized users, yet it prevents interruption from third party. Companies spend a great deal of their assets in preserving their information, because loosing information is equal to the death of the company. This is an interview/ article by Marc Goodman,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Analysis over a piece of art work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis over a piece of art work - Essay Example earlier, all the elephants died in battle and naming the artwork after the general who thought of using the huge animals is an evident attempt of the artist to link her work to such cause. The sculptor used acrylic and glaze on metal, making the colors used come alive as they have an initial effect of catching the attention of viewers. An elephant could probably be of no meaning to anyone and might just be noticed by animal lovers like me however, Tovar’s Hannibal also presents a mysterious message that calls the audience to ponder about why it was created. Naturally, elephants have only one color but Tovar’s elephant has multiple colors mixed all over the body of the image which could be interpreted by viewers in a variety of ways. For me, I think this variation of colors tells that the advocacy communicated through the artwork is true regardless of where the elephants are located, whether in Italy, Africa, Asia or America. Moreover, it could also refer to whatever use the elephants are employed, whether in wars, zoos, or slaughtered for their ivories, their preservation should always be made a priority. Elephants are wonderful animals which are popular for their treasured tusks, strength and enormous size and their number is decreasing by the year because of irresponsible killings. Hannibal seems to tell people, ‘Hey, look at what you will lose if you keep killing us’. Tovar’s artwork is a freestanding sculpture in an open form that interacts with the spaces around it. This gives an unspoken message of ‘leave me alone’, believed to be related to the theme of the art. This and the vibrant colors of Hannibal plead humans to allow such beautiful creations live among people, in their natural habitat so that they may also enjoy the beauty of life. It could probably be impossible to say that we do not enjoy or appreciate the existence of elephants because they sure help humans in many ways and they are even made as pets in some countries. Therefore, as

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Homeland Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Homeland Security - Essay Example Osama encouraged the jihadist in Afghanistan to continue raging war towards United States and weakened it. The strategy was to encourage the people to rise against rulers he considered oppressive, as the USA would be weak and unable to support the rulers in the case of a revolt. Osama bin Laden considered the Arab spring as a formidable event due to the magnitude and momentum the event had gained and ousting of several rulers in Northern Africa. Osama bin Laden had no firm grip control over most regional Jihadist groups at the time of his death. He even wrote to the group’s pleading with them to change their tack ticks and avoid the senseless killing of Muslim brothers. The jihadist groups only swore allegiance to al-Qa`ida but were independent in the decisions made and the chain of command. Al-Qa`ida only provided training fields in Afghanistan but once the Jihadist left the camp they were at liberty with decision making and to act in any manner they like2. Donald Taylor and Michael King in their study describe radicalization process using five radicalization models but focus on three common traits in all the models. The three are important to their study as they relate directly to the main reason there are homegrown jihadists. These traits are the state of being in deprivation, personal characterizes that relate more to Jihadists ideology and personal struggle to find an identity. King and Taylor warn against using strategies and models that have not been validated can be counterproductive and because of the individuals feeling victimized. The two warn that most of these models were developed after 9/11 and are based ON social-psychological processes alone. The position adopted by many Jihadists is amendable since it mainly focuses n social issues and propaganda that can be counteracted. The narrative is also subject to empirical research in order to understand the main reason people join Jihadist movements. There is more to it than what meets the eye,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Case 4-1 McDonald's Great Britain -The Turnaround Study

4-1 McDonald's Great Britain -The Turnaround - Case Study Example There was a further fall in McDonald’s UK’s sales in 2005 alongside those of other European McDonald’s outlets. In 2007, the company’s sales went up by 4.6 percent and it increased its market share. Inadequate localization, negative perception, and competition are some of the reasons for McDonald’s UK lagging behind. The most critical problem confronting McDonald’s UK is inadequate localization. This manifests in the way its Britain customers were repulsed by its use of the red color on its company logo. The second most critical problem facing McDonald’s UK is negative perception and the Greenpeace lawsuit, low quality food, lack of variety on its menu and the low pay that the company offers its employees are responsible for the company’s negative perception. The least critical problem facing McDonald’s UK is competition. Some emerging coffee shops are competing with McDonald’s UK and other fast food businesses are offering more variety for what is considered healthy foods by Britain’s customers (Krishna & Chaudhuri 658). Question 2: Some problems you identified in Question 1 may require a â€Å"quick fix† in the short run, while others may require a major shift in company strategy. Assuming that you cannot focus on all the problems at once, suggest the order in which the issues should be addressed and suggest an approach to solving each problem. The problem of competition that is confronting McDonald’s UK is one that needs a quick fix. McDonald’s UK has the capacity to liaise with its parent firm to offer coffee as a primary item in its menu. Its initiative to introduce freshly ground Kenco beans suffices to introduce a coffee brand that is unique. The problem of negative perception should be the second problem that McDonald’s UK should address. The company can address this problem by making peace with Greenpeace activists in order to reassure the Britons that it takes responsibility for its mistakes. The problem of

Friday, August 23, 2019

Agenda Setting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Agenda Setting - Essay Example Social problems are issues that negatively affect the state of being of individuals in the society. A social problem has two elements that include subjective concerns and objective condition of the problem. An objective condition of a social problem includes all the aspects the problem that can be viewed without any biasness. Subjective concerns are issues that are affect and individual based on their biasness to particular points of view. Subjective concerns create differences with solving problems in the society. The formation opposing groups in a society is due to the subjective concerns of individuals.Objective conditions have enlightened people in societies such that they have reformulated human conditions. Through intelligence by humankind, complex problems that seemed unsolvable are solved in the modern societies. Social reformers developed empirical analysis that has formed the basis for political science and social science. Positivists were empowered by the strength of facts . For instance, Florence Nightingale and William Beveridge believed that use of scientific researches was essential in solving social problems in our societies. Nightingale was convinced that doctrines are not very important as facts are. Facts do not hold uncertainties that make the process of making decisions harder.The other view of positivists in regard to problems is by perceiving social problems as dysfunctions. Other people against the views of the society define things as acceptable or unacceptable.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Gullivers Travels Essay Example for Free

Gullivers Travels Essay The saga of Lilliput is more fun and entertaining than that of Brobdingnag. Discuss. Gullivers Travels is a classic example of eighteenth century satire, one of Swifts greatest works in an outcry against the values and practices of his time. While his words ruthlessly attack numerous aspects of human society and human character, by the nature of satire his weapon is humour. So there is plenty of amusement to be had through the course of the book, most notably in the first two adventures, in Lilliput and Brobdingnag. On Gullivers first adventure to Lilliput, he awakes on the island to find himself bound and tied to the ground by the six-inch tall Lilliputians. After being stung with arrows and stabbed with spears, he decides to obey, and then help the Most Mighty Emperor of Lilliput and his country. So we see the foremost target of Swifts humour and satire, that surrounding Gulliver himself, as Richard Rodino said, Gulliver is a satirical device enabling Swift to score satirical points. In Lilliput he subjects to the Emperors imprisonment and his wishes, some strange, such as when he desired I would stand like a Colossus, draw up the troops in close order, and march them under me. Some others were simply humiliating, however, such as when, upon receiving his decree of liberty, he swears to it with great cheerfulness and content, despite the fact that he does not agree fully with all of the articles within, and proceeds to be grateful for the honour of the Emperors presence, to whom he prostrates himself. This acquiescence on the part of Gulliver to a people who, to him, are little more than dolls that walk and talk, is degrading on Gullivers part, yet also funny, since his lack of humour and perspective leaves him open to ridicule. He, who can tow whole fleets and span an entire blustrug with a single step, is reduced to begging a miniature monarch for his freedom. Later on, he receives the ingratitude of the Lilliputians for the desecration of the royal palace, when he put out the fire by urinating on it. The result, due to his enmity with Skyresh Bolgolam, was that he was sentenced to have his eyes cut out. While most others in such a position would have laughed at being threatened by a people a twelfth their size, he is worried and scared by the decree to have his eyes put out. Despite the fact that the sentence expects him to gratefully and humbly submit, depending on him not resisting as very sharp-pointed arrows are discharged into his eyes, he decides to run anyway, to the court of Blefuscu. This cowardice amplifies the humour in his behaviour, the image of a giant being scared and running away from midgets is one that is contrary to the one we would expect. Compare this behaviour to the way that Gulliver presents himself in Brobdingnag. At almost every turn his diminutive size is ridiculed, he becomes the plaything of a nine-year old girl, the rival of a thirty-foot dwarf, and is forced to perform a debasing show till I was half-dead with weariness and vexation. While he is as subservient, indeed, perhaps even more than before, he is no longer doing so to a people far smaller than him. This image of Gulliver being overworked by people far bigger, more important than him, is only funny from the big peoples point of view. As we read it, there are, instead, distinct undertones of slavery and torture. Another example is when the Maids of Honour would sometimes set me astride upon one of her nipples, as well as various other appalling things, leaving Gulliver far from giving me any other emotions other than those of horror and disgust. While one could find comedy in this passage, it is much cruder and less funny than similar passages in Lilliput, a typical example of the type of humour found in this second adventure. Although Swift is satirising our fascination with beauty and appearances, the power of this extract stems not from underlying implications but from the shock of having the human body so cruelly assaulted. Thus, instead of subtly hinting his satire as he does in Lilliput, Swift takes a far harsher line in Brobdingnag, using Gulliver to demonstrate the shortcomings and failings of the human race, through the medium of his various adventures there. Its always entertaining when youre dealing with those smaller and weaker than you are, but a great deal less funny when its someone more powerful dealing with you. The affairs and events which occur in the two adventures also contribute a great deal to the humour. When Gulliver is in Lilliput, one of the first curious things he relates to us is the practice of choosing ministers for governmental and court positions by the nominees skill at dancing on a tightrope or leaping under or over the Emperors stick. This idea seems ridiculous to us, it probably elicited a few smirks when you first read it, but Swift is alluding to the way that in his day and age, many government officials achieved their positions from skill with words or putting money in the right places. Politics becomes a mad ballet, says Philip Pinkus. When we learn that Flimnap would have infallibly broken his neck, if one of the Kings cushions had not weakened the force of the fall, Swift is protesting against the way the favour of a powerful minister could easily protect a man from the loss of his position if they strain so far as to overreach themselves and make a fatal mistake. In Brobdingnag, much of the humour revolves around the way that Gulliver must make his way in a world where everything is too big, John F. Ross says that he retains a pride and self-esteem which would be perfectly normal for him among his physical equals, but which is ridiculous under the circumstances. One time, above twenty wasps, allured by the smell, came flying into the room These insects were as large as partridges. The image of Gulliver surrounded by bird-sized wasps is immediately funny, but aside from the comedy value, there is little satirical content in this passage. There are many other comical stories in both adventures, which can entertain, but also have other layers of meaning. In Lilliput, one of the most amusing anecdotes is that of the war between Lilliput and Blefuscu, largely because of its origins: It is allowed on all hands, that the primitive way of breaking eggs before we eat them, was upon the larger end: but his present Majestys grandfather, while he was a boy, and going to eat an egg, and breaking it according to the ancient practice, happened to cut one of his fingers. Whereupon the Emperor his father published an edict, commanding all his subjects, upon great penalties, to break the smaller end of their eggs. The result is that the inhabitants of the two islands go to international war over so minor an event as breaking an egg. We find this hilariously funny, thinking the Lilliputians and Blefuscudians stupid and petty to allow this incident to escalate so to such an extent. However, when the Blefuscudian king listens to Gullivers praise of my own dear native country in a style equal to its merits and felicity, he sees through the pompousness and self-importance of Gullivers account of Europe, seeing the corruption in government, the prejudice in law, the inefficiency in politics, the mismanagement of the economy. Swift is hinting that the two situations are not so different, since little people tend to place great significance upon little things, and when we are the little ones, it is brought home to us that the vast majority of our affairs are of little consequence in the long run. While the story found in Gullivers Travels is highly entertaining, it is, primarily, a work of satire, and this adventure is designed as a message to the people and government of Swifts 18th century Britain, to change, or even just to reflect upon, the way in which they go about their lives. Upon reading both Lilliput and Brobdingnag, there is an evident trend in how Swift has written his book. In Lilliput, Swift uses engaging, fine humour to disguise his satire, whereas in Brobdingnag he moves onto rougher, coarser humour, with a far more obvious attack on European society, a trend which is continued through to the end of the book, culminating in a scathing assault on our perceptions of human nature itself, in the fourth adventure. Therefore, due to the ways in which we respond to the portrayal of Gulliver, and the events and humour found in the two passages, I conclude that the saga of Lilliput is funnier and more entertaining than that of Brobdingnag. Bibliography Jonathan Swift, Gullivers Travels, 1726 Richard Rodino, The Study Of Gullivers Travels, Past and Present, 1992 Philip Pinkus, Sin and Satire in Swift (1965)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Psychology and Positive Reinforcement Essay Example for Free

Psychology and Positive Reinforcement Essay For this project if I had to design a study investigating the relationship between alcohol and violence, I would use the experimental method. The experimental method involves manipulating one variable to determine if changes in one variable cause changes in another variable. This method relies on controlled methods, random assignment and manipulation of variables to test a hypothesis (Cherry, n. d. ). The reason for this method is so I can put the test subjects in a controlled environment and monitor the affects of the alcohol and see if the alcohol consumed by the test subject allows them to display forms of violence. By using another method with the experimental method to get more results out of this study, I would also use survey research. Survey research is one of the most important areas of measurement in applied social research. The broad area of survey research encompasses any measurement procedures that involve asking questions of respondents. A survey can be anything that forms a short paper-and-pencil feedback form to an intensive one-on-one in-depth interview (Trochim, 2006). I would combine these methods to determine the outcome of the study and support my investigation of the relationship between alcohol and violence. For example, I would get four test subjects that would consist of two groups, two men and two women. I would have all subjects fill out a form that displays likes and dislikes and what makes them happy/ unhappy. I would then have one subject from each group would consume alcohol but all the drinks would be the color red each subject will be by themselves for the first hour in different rooms. After that hour they would be placed in room together and exam how the gamma-aminobutyric acid displays the affects of using their dislikes on their behavior after the consumption of alcohol. The strengths of this study would be finding the chemical in alcohol and what chemical inside of the human body that triggers the violent display. Also strengths for this method would be compilation of verifiable data and ethical compliance. But with all strengths you do have weaknesses; those weaknesses for these methods would be not having accurate reports for these methods and distortion of unreliable case studies. Also you may have test subjects that do not reflect the general population and him or her in fact have their own social issues that may reflect violence from the outcome of alcohol. The ethical consideration for this research would be no children, women that are pregnant, separation of a person with a criminal background and non-criminal background, test subjects are only to consume a certain amount of alcohol by their size and weight, and the test subjects are only to be tested in a controlled environment. The difference between negative and positive reinforcement is that negative reinforcement; is when a certain stimulus/item is removed after a particular behavior is exhibited. The likelihood of the particular behavior occurring again in the future is increased because of removing/avoiding the negative stimuli (Stangor, Chapter 7, 2010). For example: My son has choirs to do every day after school and does not like to do them. He does his choirs because if he does not he would not be able to play his video game. Positive reinforcement: is a very powerful and effective tool to help shape and change behavior. Positive reinforcement works by presenting a motivating item to the person after the desired behavior is exhibited, making the behavior more likely to happen in the future (Stangor, Chapter 7, 2010). For example: My daughter studied very hard on her spelling test and receive an A for passing it, for receiving that A on her test I gave her ten dollars for studying and doing a great job on her test. Using negative reinforcement on my son not doing his choirs helps him understand that you will not get anything in return for not doing your job after school. Using positive reinforcement for maintaining a positive path you will be rewarded for your accomplishments. The ethical standards are displaying a positive for doing something positive and a negative result for a negative behavior. For example, you cannot throw a rock at a car window and expect to get ice cream in return. That would be rewarding a person for doing a negative action. Also you cannot reward a person for cheating on a test by copying off of someone, excepting credit for someone else’s work instead of your own. When displaying these reinforcement methods it helps to create modifications of the behavior that’s displayed by the children from my example. When using these methods it creates a pattern for learning responsibility. Learning responsibilities helps form other positives paths to encourage a person to be more motivated nd become successful. The theory that best fits my psychological thought would be the behavior theory and also the developmental theory. The behavior theory also known as behaviorism is a theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. The developmental theory: Theories of development provide a framework for thinking about human growth, development, and learning (Trochim, 2006). The way I see psychology I believe that it starts with these theories first. Understanding human behavior and the development of behavior helps me better understand the mentality of people. Psychology is a very broad field that deals with all aspects of life, from a social stand point, economical stand point and environmental stand point. Psychology helps us understand why we do the things that we do, for example culture of honor. A term that is defined by responding to insults with aggression or catharsis observing or engaging in less harmful aggressive actions that will reduce the tendency to aggress later in a more harmful way (Stangor, Chapter 14, 2010). These psychological theories of behaviorism cannot be studied without developmental theories to help understand these patterns and create determination to why we do things. Give us a better understanding, in other words casual attribution; determining the causes of people behavior (Stangor, Chapter 13, 2010). Our social cognition is set to predict behaviors, but how can we predict behaviors if we do not develop ways to understand it. Basically prejudging or stereotyping these behaviors. It is nothing in psychology that would have me to believe that the research that is provided is not true. Everything that I have studied, I either have done or seen done; our attitude another behavior that we exhibit and in my opinion would be the core to behaviorism. It displays any feelings that we have towards people, work ethic, environment, and our social representation. First I would have to define the disorder by observing the dysfunctional pattern of thought, emotion, and behavior. Next I would exercise the bio-psycho-social model of the illness; to help me understand the disorder. Using the DSM-IV-TR, I would look for any psychological history and use of the Axis IV check for social or environmental problems, such as homelessness, divorce, school problems, or other stressors present. Also I would use Axis I and V to determine if this person is suffering from mood, anxiety, or learning disorders; is this person at risk of hurting him or herself and others (Stangor, Chapter 13, 2010). The disorder I have discovered that my client has is anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorder is a psychological disturbance marked by irrational fears, often of everyday objects and situations. The treatment I would use to help my client would be antianxiety medications; drugs that help relive the fear of anxiety. Also I would use biomedical therapies; treatments that are designed to reduce psychological disorder by influencing the action of the central nerves system. This method would involved the use of medication but also include direct brain intervention with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT0, psychosurgery, and transcranial magnetic stimulation (Stangor, Chapter 13, 2010). These methods of therapy would help my client be more at ease with their disorder. The ethical obligations of the psychological professionals would be that. Psychiatrists are physicians with specialized knowledge of mental illness and its treatment. Psychiatrists share the same ethical ideals as all physicians and are committed to compassion, fidelity, beneficence, trustworthiness, fairness, integrity, scientific and clinical excellence, social responsibility, and respect for persons. Psychiatrists endeavor to embody these principles in their diverse roles as diagnosticians, treating physicians, therapists, teachers, scientists, consultants, and colleagues (Principles of Ethics and Professionalism in Psychiatry, n. d. ).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Theories of Learning for Classrooms

Theories of Learning for Classrooms Learning is the process that results in a relatively enduring change in a person or persons (Alexander et al, 2009: 186). Learning is a dynamic process whereby the students knowledge and skills are different before to after learning (Winn, 1990). Teaching is by definition the promotion of learning and ought therefore to be informed by the best of our knowledge about learning. Learning and teaching poses a synergistic relationship; that is teachers need to teach with an approach that reinforces how students naturally learn (Muijs brooks book). A number of educational researchers offer learning paradigms to explain how individuals learn. The way students learn can be used to foster effective teaching practices, and ultimately align teaching with positive learning and educational experiences. Understanding how knowledge is developed and comprehended can allow teachers to shape the methodological delivery of their subject content to match the theoretical frameworks, underpinning how knowledge is processed. Attending to the nature of student learning can allow teachers to improve their practice and in turn the quality of the learners experience (Macleod Golby, 2003). The extremes of this learning theory spectrum are represented by the Behaviourist and Constructivist theories of learning. Behaviouristic Theory of Learning Learning, according to behaviourists (Watson, Pavlov), is defined as acquisition of new behaviour. The focus of behaviourism is on the conditioning of observable human behaviour and is based on the principal conception that a reaction is made in response to a specific stimulus. This reaction leads to a consequence. If the consequence is pleasant and positive, the behaviour change becomes reinforced. With consistent reinforcement, the behaviour pattern becomes conditioned and is automatically activated upon stimuli presentation. Physiologically, behaviourist theories propose that learning is achieved through reinforcement of a particular neural pathway, which links the stimuli and response in the brain. This activation and reinforcement results in a faster, smoother implementation of certain reactions and responses. The connections between the stimuli and specific responses are built correctly and then reinforced over time through practise and repetition, which ultimately strengthens the neural pathways, resulting in a more efficient response to the stimuli. (Pritchard). Behaviourists term this form of learning conditioning, whereby with consistent reinforcement the behaviour pattern becomes conditioned. Classical conditioning involves the reinforcement of a natural reflex or behaviours which occur naturally as a response to a specific stimulus. In contrast, operant conditioning involves reinforcing a behaviour by praising it, or discouraging undesirable behaviour with punishment. The rewarding phases of this conditioning processing is known as reinforcement. However, this stimulus-response relationship discounts any mental processes which may be involved in learning. Researchers, including Vygotsky 1962 amongst others, began to criticise the behaviourist approach, as it was seen too teacher centred and directed, void of meaningful learning and the teacher process was focused too much on individual rather than collaborative group work. In addition, the constructivist perspective challenged the implied separation between mental processing and knowledge, which had to be bridged by the role of a teacher. Constructivist Theory The constructivist movement was formed on Piagets (1976) and Vygotsky (1986) work who view learning as the effect of mental construction, whereby learners combine their existing knowledge with new information, to construct meaning and formulate their understanding. The constructivist theory proposes that learning is an active process, a social activity, contextual, centred on constructing meaning and regards the learner as a responsible agent in their knowledge acquisition (Loyens 2007. In constructivist learning, individuals draw in their experience of the world around them and work to make sense of what they perceive in order to build an understanding of what is surrounding them (Harris, 1994). Since constructivism involves learners to interact with their immediate learning environment, learning has been considered to be situation-specific and context-bound activity (McInerney and McInerney, 2002. Constructivism is an umbrella term to encompass the wide range of constructivist perspectives, which can be separated into two branches; cognitive constructivism (Piaget, 1976) and social constructivism (Vygotsky, 1986). Both sub-types believe that knowledge is actively constructed by individuals Birenbaum 2003, however through the use of different mediums; either through a series of internal, intellectual stages (cognitive constructivism), or by social interaction including interactions with world based, external experiences (social constructivism). The numerous perspectives on constructivism within these two sub-types could be essentially grouped around a rooted assumption about learning. That is, knowledge is actively constructed by the learner (Birenbaum 2003; Harris and Alexander 1998) Piagets developmental stages theory, which represents cognitive constructivism, presents four age-referenced development stages which provide a theory of gradual cognitive development up to the age of eleven years old. The stages refer to an explicit age range and characterise the cognitive abilities necessary at each stage to construct meaning of ones environment. Social constructivism emphasises the role of language in the process of intellectual development. Vygotsky considered dialogue, usually but not always with a more knowledgeable other, as a vehicle by which concepts are considered, shared and developed. The dialogue, which is based on learners pre existing and current knowledge (schemas), is then exploited to develop and construct new ideas and understanding. Vygotsky advocates that the process of learning involves moving into and across a zone of proximal development, which is aided by the intervention of another through support. The zone of proximal development is a theoretical space of understanding which is just above the level of an individuals current understanding. The process of giving support to learners at the appropriate time and level of sophistication to meet the individual needs is termed scaffolding. Scaffolding can allow the movement from one zone to another and assists in the passing through the zone of proximal devel opment. From reviewing the literature, educational researchers which employ these constructivist principles select aspects from both strands of this learning theory (Biggs, 1979, Cunningham, 1996), and use constructivist theories as a generalised term. However, as Mathews and Lui highlight, combining the plethora of constructivist variants is questionable, and generalisations made may have less significance and loss of meaning. Therefore, for the purpose of this assignment, the term constructivism will reflect a collaboration of both social and cognitive strands; however specific branches and the implications of these strands are highlighted where necessary. Critique of learning theories and associated implications upon classroom practice A review of the literature suggests that behaviouristic learning does not offer students the chance to develop deep meaning and understanding (Einworth and Collins), but instead has a tendency to promote superficial learning of skills (Fosnot, 1996). Making a correct response and remembering content does not necessarily imply understanding, and consequently the actual understanding achieved through behavioural approaches is challenged. Hounsell, Entwistle, 1997 conclude that the use of rote memorisation represents a learning approach to a surface level of understanding, whilst establishing connections with current knowledge reflects an approach for a deeper level of understanding. In contrast, from a constructivist perspective, the principle of learning using prior experience is beneficial in promoting a deeper and richer understanding (Pressley, Harris Marks, 1992). Demerici advises that information which is connected to a learners prior experiences is more likely to be retained, explaining higher retention rates when a constructivist approach is adopted. (Demirici). According to Fosnot, the focus of attention in constructivist perspective is concept development and deeper understanding. This research suggests that constructivist approaches lead to a great, richer and deeper understanding. It is therefore plausible to suggest that the quality and depth of understanding associated to a constructivist teaching approach is more likely to exceed that of the behaviourist approach. However, as Entwhistle and Smith (2002) identify, the association between memorisation and surface approach may be weak. Kember, 1996; Watkins Biggs, 1996 reported that memorisation can be used to learn unfamiliar terminology, as the first stage to establishing understanding. This concept, where memorisation is part of meaningful learning, is defined as memorising with understanding (Marton, Watkins,Tang, 1997; Meyer, 2000, and has been conducted by students as a successful revision tool (Entwistle Entwistle, 2001) In addition, (Smith, 2001, 2002a) affirms that rote learning can contribute to understanding. Therefore, it appears that behaviouristic learning approaches can be beneficial for certain tasks such as establishing classroom behaviour (Fulton). Teachers could consider deploying beahviorusitlic approaches to the learning of classroom behaviour, especially for pupils who display anxious tendencies and low motivation (Prittard; Fulton). Those of higher academic ability perceive simplistic drill and practice unsatisfying and dull (Prittard). In addition, some students demand understanding, yet adhering to behaviouristic learning approaches does not accommodate this craving. In other situations, the concepts of learning without understanding can fuel frustration, lead to misconceptions and generate a difficult learning environment (Prittard). Controversially, Fox (2001) suggests that the constructivist theory may imply that remembering is not important, and that learning is solely centred on understanding concepts. However, neither of these are true, and being able to remember knowledge is an important prerequisite of learning. In addition, Biggs, (1998) and Jin and Ortazzi, (1998) have reported that constructivist teaching approaches dont consistently guarantee teaching effectiveness. Instead, traditional, more behaviourist approaches to learning in large classes has proven to be successful internationally, such as in China. Fox, 2001, argues that constructivism neglects the role of memorisation and mechanical learning techniques Arguably, due to the varying nature of meaning which is uncontrollably constructed by students, in some cases, rote learning and memorisation may be more useful when teaching factual concepts and where clarity in understanding is required. Rote learning may be used to help students cope better with some aspects of work that they find difficult. However, teachers must consider that rote learning is not an approach to develop understanding and therefore where possible, should be followed by attempts to encourage understanding. Standard school and classroom routines and expectations for behaviour can be learnt through behaviouristic approaches. In the case of behaviour management, a strategy to quieten the class, such as raising of the hand, or counting down from three could be effectively used. In this case, the stimulus, such as the teacher raising their hand or calling out the number three, must be fully explained to the class. In addition, the stimuli must be fully visible and audible to the students, which is possible with a clearly risen hand or an assertive voice. The response desired, such as a student raising of the hand and silence, must be fully understood by students. It is important that the stimulus-response occurrence should be repeated by the teacher and used regularly. The same strategy should be employed every time the teacher wants to quieten the class, establishing consistency of stimuli and behavioural response. This repeated activation strengthens the pathways, affording for a smoother and faster implementation of the response. . Pupils should be made aware of the negative and positive consequences if they do not respond to the stimuli as desired and the consequences need to be kept consistent. Therefore, consistency of behaviour management strategies is crucial and classroom practice must adhere to the same strategise as the same stimuli is presented for a specific response. Behaviourism relies on reinforcement which is employed to condition the behaviour, and therefore is essentially the tool which brings about learning. Therefore rewards and punishments for behaviours must play a crucial role and actively administered within classroom practice. Behaviourism may therefore stimulate and encourage more use of positive reinforcement which has been a long standing effective classroom practice (Elliott and Busse, 1991 fulton book). However teachers must consider that rewarding children who are already highly motivated may not be as effective, and may actually lead to a loss of interest (Fulton) Rewards and praise have been shown to enhance motivation, and serve as an effective behaviour management tool, however, praising students may not come naturally to teachers. However, behaviourist approaches dont take account of mental cognitive processing involved in learning. In contrast, constructivism emphasises that the learners must develop their understanding for themselves and constructivist researchers advocate that mental activity is the lifeblood of learning and the extent of what is learnt (Howe 1999). Teachers cannot assume that the products of learning are solely the teachers effort and thought; instead learning requires effort on the part of the learner. Teachers need to offer scope of activities where the accustomed effort and activity falls on the learners responsibility. Such opportunities would afford learner engagement and optimise the possibility of effective lasting learning taking place (Prittard). A vast array of supportive literature endorses the success of constructive approaches. Research informs that learning through such constructive mediums, like discussion, participation, practice, are successful and associated with learning gains and knowledge retention. Demirci Yavuz (2009). Dericimi also reported a significant difference in post-test grades and retention learning tests grades, with the constructivist approach being more efficient than the conventional, behaviouristic approach. However, the constructivist theory may imply that all individual differences in learning come down to the consequences of each learners history of learning )Loyens, 2008. Furthermore, although we do learn by acquiring knowledge from our environments through interacting with the external world, Fox highlights that the environment also acts upon learners. That is, we act and react and learning can be achieved from both experiences. However, constructivism appears to fail to acknowledge adaptive instinctive responses as reactive forms of learning (Fox, 2001) and the role of talent in cognitive development. Furthermore, Fox (2001) and Bredo, (2000) argues that constructivism discounts the role of innate, motivational and genetic factors in knowledge construction, which have been proven to play a role in cognitive development and ealrning Carey Spelke, 1994). Another assumption refers to an epistemological assumption that students actively seek resources and experiences, which are anchored by their pre-existing knowledge. In addition, it is assumed that learners utilise the construed data to actively construct their knowledge (Renkl). Therefore, this approach to learning relies on students encountering experiences and applying these experiences to their pre-existing knowledge to develop their understanding. However, such experiences and world-based interactions may not be feasible or available to students due to their lifestyle circumstances. Consequently, teachers need to be aware that understanding and meaning is limited to the individual experiences of the students. In accordance with this assumption, the constructivist theory can explain why pupils conceptions and meaning do vary between each other (Taber, 2000). Given that learning is achieved through the constructing activity of the student, the individual can only understand or kno w what he or she has constructed (Dunn and Cunningham, 1996). Therefore, constructivism may be seen as subjective and relative (Duffy and Cunningham, 1996).. This may lead to marking criteria discrepancies, confusion and inconsistency, and student misconceptions, which do not match reality. In addition, Duffy and Cunningham propose that if the constructions and meanings are different amongst students, the little shared understanding may challenge the ease of communication between learners and the class. This may jeopardise the effectiveness of class discussions and social interactions as a tool to enhance learning. Similarly, as construction is activity on part of the learner (Bruner 1966, 1971), what is constructed cannot be controlled by the teacher. Instead the learner has autonomy and self-regulates what understanding is established. Therefore the students constructed understanding may not parallel with other students, with reality or with the teachers construction and understanding. Consequently, teachers must not assume that the construction and understanding of a concept is universal between all students. Instead teachers must actively access and consider the alternative perceptions and understanding of the learners hence why a transmission approach is fruitless. On the other hand, teachers come into the classroom with their own construction and conceptions of subject content, and according to Patrick 1988, are not neutral. Therefore, a teachers understanding can colour the students understanding, and together, Patrick, 1998 and Marton and Booth (1997) suggested that some teachers moulded the students construction of a concept to align with their concept interpretation. Ellisowths review concludes that the form of understanding impressed onto students is largely dependent on the teachers personal interpretation of the subject content. Therefore, although the constructivist theory assumes that the construction of understanding is the product of the learners interpretation exclusively, the constructivist theory does not account for the interplay between teachers and learners comprehension. Importantly, to help progressive learning and avoid developing misconceptions, teachers need to provide a clear focus and goals, with explicit learning objectives, which are rooted within pupils existing knowledge. The clear objectives allow students to construct their ideas using current knowledge and understand the overarching direction and progression oftheir learning. Activating prior knowledge is important to elicit pre-knowledge, allowing teachers to decipher the conceptual frameworks they are operating within. Teachers need to highlight the links between students existing knowledge and the new subject knowledge, to help the learner form bridges and facilitate their mental construction and cognitive processes (REF). By forming these links, students can activate and recall their pre-existing knowledge, and use this foundation to build and integrate new concepts. Teachers should encourage students to relate new knowledge to current knowledge and external experiences, allowing the new subject content to become embedded within the existing knowledge structures, contributing to or amending to the students schema. Since learning constructively is based on the addition of new content to current knowledge, the learner must have sufficient levels of understanding before new content can be used to construct more complex meaning and progress. Teachers and educators need to consider that new content cannot be built up until the foundations, such as current knowledge, is secured. To accommodate these pre-requisites of learning, the individuals knowledge needs to be continually assessed. As a regular classroom practice, formative assessment could be used as a regular approach to assess existing and new understanding, before moving to the next lesson. Formative assessment is a regular, informal mode of assessment, allowing teachers to monitor students progress, gain an appreciation of what has been learnt and adapt their teaching practices to optimise further learning (Black and Wiliam, 1998). Accordingly, given that learning is an active and evolving processes, formative assessment can be used by teachers to assess, monitor, challenge unclear perspectives and adapt classroom practices to accommodate the constructivist principles of learning. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that constructivist approaches to learning favour the use of formative assessment and may prompt its use in the classrooms, which Lamon, 2001 reports as being more valuable. Since formative assessment alone is associated with learning gains, (Black and Wiliam 1998), learning is positively influenced indirectly via adopting teaching strategies which are aligned to learning constructively. Formative assessment may be undertaken through questioning, teacher and pupil discussion, peer assessment and interaction with peers. Formative assessment will also identify pupils individual learning needs, supporting teachers conduct in differentiation to assure pupils are moving forward, across their ZPD and optimise learning gains. Formative assessment can be achieved in the classroom, through discussion, questioning, peer assessment, self-assessment and feedback. However, with behaviourism, the opportunities for feedback are confined to only whether the response desired is correct or not. There is little scope for learning, or how to improve in order to meet the desired response. Therefore, under behaviourist approaches, feedback cannot be used for learning purposes, therefore opportunities for assessment for learning, which have shown to enhance learning, may not be fruitful. Consequently, limited feedback combined with the objective outcomes of behaviourist approaches mean that individual student needs are not necessarily part of the formulae when considering teaching strategies and subject content. The need to consider individual needs is undeniable, therefore such constraints of feedback extent presents a multitude of problems to the teaching and learning of students. When constructing new concepts and developing understanding, reviewing and reflecting on what has already been learnt also helps to establish and secure students previous knowledge. In addition, by asking what students understand before embarking on a new concept would help students form links between new and previous knowledge (Fulton). This reviewing could be done as a starter, but also plays a role at the end of the lesson, forming a plenary. Teachers should consider, incorporate and plan for well managed plenary to consolidate knowledge. Time to reflect upon what has been undertaken, the processes and the content gives the opportunity for internalisation and for a deeper level of understanding to be developed. Similarly, learning is most effective when learners become engaged, which means that teachers need to adopt an active approach to learning and involve engaging tasks to promote learning in the classroom. Learning using authentic tasks, which allow pupils to relate to their own experience inside and outside the classroom (Selinger, 2001) increases the probability of engagement with the task and supports findings that learning in a familiar context is most effective. Authentic tasks are likely to hold the attention and interest of children, and lead to a deeper level of engagement than with non-authentic or less authentic tasks (Fulton). Favourably, the constructivist principles match those fundamentals associated with effective learning. This active perspective of constructive learning (Phillips, 1995) is often contrasted with behaviourist stimulus-response relationship, which has been defined as a passive view in learning. However, reading and listening are included within this constructive approach to teaching, which could be argued to be more passive approaches. Whilst this suggests that all cognition is active, to talking and writing, listening and reading are relatively passive. Traditionalists do not deny the importance of dialogue, and this may be utilised in questioning and answering, it is more that behaviourists place greater emphasis on knowledge and on the teacher as being knowledgeable, rather than learners and their existing knowledge (Fox). A balance is needed between emphasis on the teachers and learners, since too much emphasis on either part can lead to prescriptions for teaching which may ignore the students needs or dismiss the teachers as a significant resource of knowledge. An active learning approach can be achieved by encouraging students to explore concepts and ideas, and to follow their instincts (Wray and Lewis, 1997). Given that exploration can promote sequential development of ideas, it is likely to assist in the construction of new knowledge; the roots to constructivism. Classroom practice could be based on a discovery-based approach Huitt, 2004;, where students can find answers out for themselves, answer their own questions through experimenting with new ideas and discuss their beliefs and thinking patterns with their peers. Importantly, engaging with each other reflects social interactions, which can be a vehicle to develop understanding using social interaction. Unlike behaviourist approaches where the teacher is the primary resources of knowledge and is influenced by their interests and perspective; knowledge construction offers the opportunity of learning to become dynamic and varied, opposed to being static and prescribed (Sudizna). The use of resources promotes more interactive learning and interest, which are both shown to positively influence learning. Behaviourist approaches have been criticised for not addressing this dynamic nature of learning as its theory assumes a static and standardised view of knowledge learning. Supported by Winn 1990, student knowledge is dynamic and changes, that is knowledge and skills are different before learning to after instruction, and behaviourism does not take this into account. In addition, behaviourism theory does not appreciate that students come into classrooms with prior knowledge. Conversely, the constructivist theory acknowledges that pre-existing knowledge is requisite of learning and that students enter classrooms with pre-conceptions, knowledge and beliefs which they deploy in constructing new understanding. (Jones, Carter, Rua, 1999) As already discussed, scaffolding is crucial for the learner to pass through their zone of proximal development, and can be undertaken by the teacher. Scaffolding can be practiced in the classroom in many ways, and teachers need to appreciate that this is fundamental to the educational progression of students and how this may be achieved. Support materials need to be widely available, such as a writing frame to support a particular style of prose, or a list of words to help in the process of completing an exercise, designed to assist understanding The provision of practical apparatus, especially in science, may help to explain the solution to a problem and is an engaging approach. Students can evidence reality and attach a sense of perspective and reality to their learning. Given the exploratory nature of constructivism, classroom practice needs to be supportive and generate an environment where the student feels safe to ask for help and comfortable in approaching the teacher. The teacher must be aware of the different supportive needs of the class, and meet these through differentiation and allowing time for class discussion, misconceptions and any lack of understanding. To help the teacher identify those who need more support than others, formative assessment can be incorporated to highlight the students individual needs that need to be addressed. Ultimately, this will allow tasks to be designed and geared towards the individuals learning ability. Unlike, behaviourism theories, constructivist theory accounts for the role of social learning and potential of interaction and recognises the importance of social interaction (Phillips, 1995). Incorporating social interaction opportunities, using language as a medium to construct ideas in groups of varying sizes, both with and without the teacher are encouraged and popular in classroom practice today (Jones and Brader-anjerie, 2002). Dialouge is proposed to constitue a crucial component of the constructivism paradigm ((Greeno et al. 1996; (Steffe and Gale 1995).Loyens, 2008. Discussion is fundamental and can be used through augmenting, debating, discussing concepts, teacher questioning and pupils presenting. Teachers should encourage students to work collaboratively, in pairs or small groups, and allow them to help each other and construct their own meaning in their own words of a concept. Dialogue with others allows additional and alternative perspectives to be taken into account when developing personal conclusions. Different knowledge, points of view and understanding can be given and considered before moving on. Teachers should listen to pupils, and use their words for explaining concepts and draw on other opinions of class members. Constructivist theory also takes into account that learning is contextual. Evidence suggests that learning occurs in real-life contexts and learning is actually linked to a context, as deduced by Macleod and Goldby 2003. Children working with new ideas in a familiar content are more likely to engage with the ideas, than if the same ideas were present in an alien context. Therefore teachers should strive to include more authentic tasks and set learning concepts which are aligned with students familiar contexts. If a learning activity falls beyond the cultural understanding of the learning, then learning is likely to be less successful than if it had been situated in a more familiar setting. .Meaningful contexts for learning are very important; however, what is meaningful for a teacher is not necessarily meaningful for the student. The association between the concept of learning being situated and the need for authentic learning tasks is evidence (McFarlane, 1997). However, the recommended approach to situation learning in meaningful contexts (e.g. Lave Wenger, 1991) has been argued against. Walkerdine, 1988, for example argued that if school learning became situated solely within the lived world of daily experiences, the opportunities for abstract reasoning and reflective activity, which are all constituents of constructivism, would become limited and sacrificed, whilst confining students to their local xxxxxxx? The exactness of the Piaget stage of development has been criticised, that is to say children may pass through the stage, but it is not clear that they will pass through the stages at specific ages, however, as a developmental trail, this theory is useful in teaching practices. Piagets stage developmental theory offers guidance covering the level of complexity that may be expected in a childs thought processes at approximate stages in their development. Whilst Piagets developmental stage theory influences principally primary school teaching practices, given the ages this theory is related to, the appreciation and awareness that c

Structured Portfolio of My Teaching Activities Essay -- Clinical Fello

Structured Portfolio Assignment Prepare a structured portfolio relating to your teaching activities over a minimum of a 3 month period. Introduction This is a portfolio of the teaching activities I undertake as a Teaching Fellow. I will be reflecting on my activities and discussing the principles that I have tried to use to guide my teaching. I am a clinical teaching fellow in Medicine and I am involved with teaching undergraduate medical students. I am also involved with the examination of medical students at different stages of their study. This takes place in a variety of settings like bedside teaching, tutorials, lectures, mock examinations. I will include evidence of the different aspects of teaching I am involved with. I feel privileged to be involved in training medical students to become doctors and it is therefore my responsibility to make every effort to develop the skills needed to become a competent teacher. These skills according to the General Medical Council’s document Tomorrow’s Doctors(2009) involve using emotional intelligence when teaching the students, and teaching them with an awareness of what the curriculum objectives are. Background of My Teaching Role as a Clinical Teaching Fellow My teaching experience prior to my job as a teaching fellow was limited to impromptu bedside teaching of house-officers and medical students. However, when I was a medical student, I was involved in giving tutorials as well as organising revision sessions for my fellow students. Currently, I work as a Clinical Teaching Fellow, where medical students from the University at various levels of their training come for their clinical posting. The Medical school has a graduate entry programme for Medicine and therefore... ...ence. London: Routledge. Okuda, Y., Bryson, E. O., DeMaria, S., Jacobson, L., Quinones, J., Shen, B. & Levine, A. I. (2009) The Utility of Simulation in Medical Education: What Is the Evidence? Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine: A Journal of Translational and Personalized Medicine. 76: 330–343. Pratt, D. (2002) Good Teaching: One Size Fits All? New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. 2002(93): 5–16. Purcell N & Lloyd-Jones G. (2003) Standards for medical educators. Med Ed 37: 149–54. Sutkin, G., Wagner, E., Harris, I. & Schiffer, R. (2008) what makes a good clinical teacher in medicine? A review of the Literature. Academic Medicine. 83(5), May 2008. Yeates, P. J. A., Stewart, J., Barton, J. R. (2008) What can we expect of clinical teachers? Establishing consensus on applicable skills, attitudes and practices. Medical Education. 42:134-142.

Monday, August 19, 2019

SUV Instability Essay -- essays research papers

The Instability of Sport Utility Vehicles As the ambulance slowly pulls away from the accident, a police officer stops to ponder how different this crash was from all the others in which a Sport Utility Vehicle was involved. He realizes it is no different at all. SUVs are the leaders in rollover crashes in the United States which includes all vehicles of make and model. They have been around for an extremely long time but, so have their problems. However, there were no problems actually documented due to the incredible instability of the cars during the first time period in which SUVs were created. Although extremely popular and useful, Sport Utility Vehicles are extremely dangerous and highly susceptible to roll over in sharp turns and high speeds. Reasons for such crashes include things like high ranking executives ignoring engineers’ warnings about the potential hazard of the vehicles, and high speeds mixing with sharp turns. Also, over- and/or under- inflated tires on a top-heavy, high-centered vehicle. Sport Utility Vehicles are extremely popular. A few reasons are for their all-terrain capabilities, the feeling of safety people have while their driving them, and their seating capacity. However, it is also for these reasons they are unstable. The false feeling of safety leads people to be careless while driving them, and/or leads people to feel â€Å"in charge† of the road thereby creating a higher chance of an accident or rollover. The history of the Sport Utility Vehicle and its unique problems with rolling over in high speed fast reaction situations starts almost at the beginning of the car. According to John D. Pietro, the Suburban was â€Å"[i]ntroduced way back in 1936, the Chevrolet (and GMC) Suburban was based on a commercial panel truck, but instead of having a huge, windowless cargo area there was a large passenger compartment† (The History). The early makers of General Motor Company, (GMC), saw potential in building a vehicle which could carry more people and still be useful in big jobs such as construction. GMC was the â€Å"first† company to build an SUV. The title of the â€Å"first SUV and/or high capacity vehicle maker†, however, is still up for debate. Such a part in the debate is â€Å"[i]n 1934, the name was shortened to "Westchester Suburban" and Dodge was selling them to the army† (The ... ... or under inflated tires on a top heavy, high centered vehicle. All these combined with the everyday hazards of normal driving in traffic or high stress situations create a large potential for fatalistic and harm causing incidents. Work Cited: Dipietrom, John. A Chevrolet/GMC/Suburban History. 6 Dec. 2001. 17 Oct. 2002 Grimaldi, James V., and Cindy Skrzycki. â€Å"SUV instability led to Ford advising low tire pressure.† 21 Aug. 2000. 25 Sept., 2002 Healey, James R.. â€Å"Crash study ranks deadly vehicles† USA Today 23 Oct. 2000: 34 The History Of The Suburban, 2 June 2000. 17 Oct. 2002 Lisante, Joan E. â€Å"Explorer Goes on Trial.† 8 Jan. 2001. 25 Sept., 2002. Pittle, R. David. â€Å"Consumer Reports Responds to Mitsubishi Statements Regarding Its Tests of the 2001 Mitsubishi Montero Limited.† 21 June 2001.25 Sept. 2002 Solomon, David. Nutz and Boltz Automotive Survival Guide. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1997 17 Oct., 2002 â€Å"SUVs: Escalating Risks On The Highways,† 25 Sept., 2002. Van Sickle, Dave. 2002 New Cars and Trucks. Heathrow, Florida: AAA Publishing, 2002.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Essay -- To Kill a Mockingbird Essa

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee To Kill A Mockingbird has several themes included in this classic novel. The theme of a book is defined by the dominating ideas in a literary work. It is an abstract concept that is made solid through the author's use of action, images, and characters. The main theme in this work is the reality of prejudice. Class, sex, and race are some of the prejudices present in the town of Maycomb.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Prejudice concerning one's class in society is dominant in the town of Maycomb. Class structure in this novel is important because it creates a caste system for the people to follow. In this system, the black population permeates at the bottom. Families with the Finch's stature would be found at or near the top. According to the caste system people had a position to uphold for example, if you were of a Finch's status you were to act respectably and not act like trash. The Ewells' in this story are just above the colored folks only because they are white. Most people look down upon them resulting in avoidance. This caste system exists because in Maycomb it is the way things have always been. Class structure promotes a sense of security for the people, and that's the way the people want it to stay.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since this story takes place in the 1930s there is also a prejudice towards women. Men believed that women were the weaker sex, and not equal to a man. A prime example of this is when the men believed they should protect their women from Tom Ro...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Internal Sources of Finance

The Internal Sources of Finance In order to grow your small business into a larger one, it is important to invest in it. And to invest in your business, you need access to finance. Unfortunately, external sources of finance — lenders and investors — are often skeptical of small businesses. This can leave you to rely on internal sources of finance for investing in your business. Retained Earnings Retained earnings are an easy source of internal financing to use because they are liquid assets.Retained earnings are the portion of net income that you have retained in your company and not paid out. In a small business, retained earnings are usually paid out to the owners, who often do not draw a budgeted salary. Instead of paying out retained earnings, you can reinvest them into the company. Current Assets Current assets consist of cash or anything that can easily be converted into cash. For example, if your business has stock holdings in other companies, you can divest your self of those stocks and use the proceeds as a source of financing.You should be careful, however, not to decrease your current assets to levels less than your current liabilities, as this may prevent you from paying off your debts. Fixed Assets Fixed assets are those that are not easily converted to cash. Typically, these assets include equipment, property and factories. Because these assets take time to convert to cash, they cannot be relied on for short-term access to finance. If you have the time, however, you could — for example — sell off some equipment or even property to invest in your business.This is particularly useful if your needs have outgrown some of your fixed assets — for example, if you need to purchase newer equipment. Personal Savings Personal savings are the backbone of many small businesses. If your business doesn't have the assets to finance your project, you may still have personal finances that you can contribute to the business. This pr ovides an alternative to seeking external investors or loans and allows you to retain control over your business.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Social Evils of India

India, the cradle of civilization, is now beset with a number of social evils. They are so numerous that one shudders to think of them. There have been social reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Ray, Maharishi Daya Nand and Swarni Shradhanand. They fought against social evils but these evils were so deep-rooted that try as they did some of them persist to this day. We may first take the position of women. Women do not enjoy a social position equal to that of men. The constitution does allow them equal status with men but it is all on paper.In practice they do not enjoy this equality. They are still treated as inferior to men. In villages which practically constitute seventy percent of the population, women are treated as second class citizens. Although they have been granted the right of voting, yet in practice they are still under the thumb of their men. They are mostly illiterate. In cities, however, they enjoy better status. We have teachers, professors doctors, lawyers, ministers and h igh officials and it is expected that with their education they would rise still high.Of course, it is a small fraction of women but with the spread of education it is expected that their condition would improve and they would work shoulder to shoulder with men. Another great evil is the dowry system. A man with a number of daughters is a cursed creature. Whatever he has is given away in marriages and he becomes a pauper. The dowry system has done a great harm to the social growth of Indian life. A man with a number of daughters has to sell his property or borrow money at a high rate of interest so that he might give a dowry to his daughter.In case he fails to do so his daughter has to hear taunts and harassment to such an extent that the poor girl is forced to end her life. Everyday we hear of the burning of young brides because of this harassment from their in laws or husbands. The sooner this social evil is removed, the better it will be for all concerned. Another great evil whic h is the bane of Indian life is child marriage. Marriage is a sacred institution and the persons going in for matrimony should be of marriageable age and not that either the girl is married to an old men or she is married at an age when she does not understand what arriage is. We hear of this social evil prevalent in Rajasthan where girls are married off at an age when they do not understand what marriage is. Some of them become widows before they know that they had been married off. A total war against these and a few other evils like drinking and smoking is of utmost necessity. There is legislation against these evils but they can be effectively checked only if the people decide to check them.